Czech Republic



U Prioru 1076/5, 16100 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Personal move enquiries

Santa Fe Relocation

Move enquiries that are privately paid.


(+42) 023 331 3154

Corporate relocation enquiries
Relocation services that your employer fully or partly pays.


(+42) 023 331 3154

Czech Republic

Your moving company in Prague

‘City of a Hundred Spires’, a name often used to describe the beautiful city of Prague, all you have to do is look up in the heart of the city and you’ll know exactly why. The spires of churches, castles and historic buildings create a unique skyline alongside the picturesque and charming streets of the Old Town. With a robust economy the city attracts many professionals in IT, finance and tourism who are looking to forward their careers.

Prague offers a great base to explore the rest of Europe with it being well connected by road and rail, plus with its affordable housing, there’s no wonder it’s popular for expats and locals to call this city home.

Get in touch with us today to discover how you can make Prague your home.


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